Just in time for Independence Day! This 4th of July Window Stars Kid Kit is fun to make and so patriotic! And since the kit actually makes 3 stars, you can make it with up to 3 kids! Of course, if your kids are like mine they'll be fighting over the red star. Because "That's the best color!" Silly Mommy.

It's a simple craft of cutting and gluing, but the results are stunning! My kids really enjoyed mixing the glue with a little water and "painting" it on the wax paper. I guess glue is extra special if it's mixed with water! And they loved sprinkling the little confetti stars on top.

I think the completed Window Stars look best when they are hung in a nice little Red, White, and Blue row. My kids think they look best hung willy-nilly all over the house. You know, like the 4th of July threw up it's favorite colors in here. Oh well...

My kids are going to enjoy making those windows. Thank for sharing!
I got this kit and we are SOOO excited to try it. We are going to bring it camping and do it in the trailer if it rains!
Adorable! It is so fun to see all the attention to detail you put into your kits! I like your blog look...did you get a makeover recently?
I did get a makeover! Nice of you to notice! Sara over at Subjective Beauty did it for me - I actually won it in a giveaway - I feel so lucky!
How beautiful. Very well done. Congrats on your makeover. Like your pretty blog template :)
Very cute and it looks fun to make!
Those are really pretty.
Oh what cool silhouettes. I am Canadian so I will not be celebrating the 4th but I love how decorative you folks are down south celebrating your country.
I am visiting from ABC & 123 and I love this kit. It's adorable!
You are so creative!
I love this kit, my daughter would have so much fun making one of these.
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