I have a little spot in my kitchen, by the phone, that had been a itchin' for an office-type desktop organizer. And then I found this in a thrift store for $4. Oh, the beautifying potential! Oh, the organizing of stuff potential! Fantasizing about it all made me drunk on the crafting possibilities.
James primered it and then spray painted it white for me. But the insides of the slots refused to take a nice coat of paint. No matter, it had been in the back of my mind to paper that sucker anyway. Sometimes you just gotta go where the craft train takes you. All aboooooard! And don't forget to bring some wine!
I probably have about 3 million pieces of scrapbook paper in my collection, but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to use. I agonized over it for days. Days! I tell you! Really, it was ridiculous. Finally I picked a piece, cut it to fit, and put it in place:
And then I almost fell asleep looking at it because it was so boring. Maybe not boring for another room, but my kitchen is colorful, gosh darn it! This little organizer needed some pizzazz!
Hells yes! That's better!
So I Mod Podged that paper into all the little slots:
And I'm usually not all about the embellishments, but the front definitely needed a little sumpin sumpin so...
It just makes me happy.

After I filled it, I noticed that the papers in the large slot kept falling forward. So I took some of my leftover scrapbook paper and glued it onto a file folder that I had cut. It keeps the papers where they need to be and it matches the organizer. Our cell phones immediately claimed the bottom slots. A small hole drilled in the back of the organizer for the cords and it's a cute little charging station.
I couldn't be happier with it! It just brightens my day!
I really really love love love it! It came out SO great, well done!!!
Oh I love it!xx
U are so creative ... looks so great . Wish I could do stuff that . I saw the posting of the paper organizer with shipping boxes I'm making mine right now. Great Job!!!
I love how you upcycled that desktop organizer! I may steal that idea for my daughter's hair accessory holder. :D
You've certainly got vision, girl! It turned out lovely!
I'm loving it. Awesome!
Good work! It looks great!
I found you through One Pretty Thing and I am so glad I did. This is such a cute project and I am in love with your blog. Consider me a new dedicated reader!
Peace & Love,
I just found your through One Pretty Thing as well...I love this! I'm hoping to find a little station like this one day too! I just hope mine would turn out this cute. Great job! Thanks for sharing!
I am inspired! You go girl!!
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